Prework - Shadow, Light, and Reflection

Wynn Bullock - Shadows (

Wynn Bullock - Silhouette ( 

Wyyn Bullock - Backlighting (
Paul Strand - Shadows (

Oli McAvoy - Shadows (

Wang Wei - Reflections (

Joseph Willis - Reflections (

Jack Davison- Reflection (

 Jack Davison - Shadows (

Jack Davison - Silhouette (

Dima Gavrysh - Backlight (

In this image I believe that the photographer metered off of the subject because there is clear detail i the backpack and uniform that the viewer can see. They appear to standout more against the brighter background. If the photographer had instead metered off of the light behind the soldier I believe there would be significantly less detail and what the viewer would see is just a black silhouette of the subject with very little detail. Along with this I think that there would be some loss of detail in the foreground surrounding the soldier. I think that the way the photographer metered was most successful in the way that they took the image originally. Since the background is clearly hazy with very little detail the photograph would lose some depth in that the flat background would be contrasting the darker silhouette of the person, creating a more 2 dimensional image.


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