Imaginative Photography - Article Response
Documentary Photography - a photographer telling someone else's story, they tell us a story about the world, educating and informing the viewer in a subjective way as the photographer remains invisible
Country Doctor - W. Eugene Smith
Personal Narrative - a photographer telling their own story, can be powerful and evocative, to be successful they must go beyond the personal and offer something that touches on the universal
Vladimir Kabelik - Prague 2000
Imaginative Photography - a photographer creating an entirely new world in the viewer's imagination, 4 basic types: hyper-real, symbolic, new physical universe, and new psychological universe
Ansel Adams - Fragile Water
Boulder and Metamorphose Phase - Bruce Barnbaum
Peter Tonningson - Decent
David L. Smith - Gradations and Geometries
Dominic Rouse - Haunted by a Painter's Ghost
Photography should not be viewed as a limiting medium but one that can expand into worlds, realms, and realities even beyond the one we see everyday. Through imaginative photography we are able to create a whole new world, and capture ideas and concepts in ways that sometimes a direct photograph cannot. It is as more about what is intangible about the photograph, what are world are you allowing the viewer to peek into through the creation of a piece of art? This short article really emphasizes pushing a piece of work beyond how we might normally view photography with a clear and recognizable subject.
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